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Fall into Frozen Blueberry Treats!

Triple Blueberry Treat Packs Healthy Fun Into Fall!

bc-55-blueberry-pumpkin-breadFall is here and that means in many areas, cooks may need to shift from fresh to frozen blueberries. Well is just so happens that frozen blueberries are outstanding to cook with. Even better, the health difference between fresh, frozen and even dehydrated blueberries is negligible. In other words, you get a powerful package of health supporting nutrients in blueberries whether they are fresh, frozen or dried!

We have three recipes for you that should fit fall blueberry cooking just fine! Maybe all three at the same time would be a bit over the top, too much “healthy” doesn’t seem to be much of a worry.

Start or end your day with a slice of Blueberry Pumpkin Bread. In the evening, add ice cream and the Saucy Blueberries. Actually, the Saucy Blueberries can turn any cake into a healthier, tastier dessert.

If you would rather drink your blueberries, again, anytime of the day, check out the Blueberry Fruit Shake.

How about just throwing a Blueberry Dessert Party and having all three of these present for sampling!

These three recipes are shared courtesy of the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council. The North Carolina Blueberry Council, Inc. is one of the many member-based organizations that support growing an industry to provide tasty, packed full of health, blueberries to the consumer public.